We have set ourselves a new mission: to give everyone the opportunity to consume better.

Concretely, we try to offer jewelry that YOU like, that make YOU dream and that are of high quality.

For what ?

For decades, we have constantly heard that the fashion industry is going down the drain. It's true ! They manufacture in quantity and create ecological and environmental disasters and exploit the workforce.

WE, from the beginning, we chose our workshop for its philosophy and its ethical work. It was the basis for Aurélia, who is very keen on this subject. We want the people who make the jewelry with their hands to be as passionate as we, who design it. And that's not all, each model is made in very small quantities during product/collection launches in order to avoid having jewels sleeping in our premises and therefore being manufactured for NOTHING.

For the past few months, we have been thinking about how to go even further. How to have the least possible environmental impact. How to enable you to better consume jewelry. Simply how to do our best!

This is how the idea of ​​the pre-order came to us.

How do pre-orders work?

As you know, we love to imagine and draw pretty creations. We have hundreds and hundreds of drawings. But it's fine to create jewelry, if you don't like it, we have it in the pompom and the planet too!

So here's what we do:

We ask you questions: If you didn't know, we share a lot of ideas with you on the Facebook group "Les Joyaux d'Auré - Jewelry creation ". We collect your answers, your desires in terms of colors, shapes, we modify the drawings according to your desires and we then share the final drawing with you.

Then we get to it! We create a single and unique model. We test it then we use it for the shoot. And yes, it takes a few photos to present it to you for pre-orders.

Pre-ordering means that you buy the jewel before it is even produced. By pre-ordering, you start production.

Within hours, we get to see which models stand out. We quickly stop the models that are the least popular, and we continue the pre-sales for the favorite models. Then we make them all to send them to you. We also create some additional models if needed for after-sales service.

The principle is to make only the models that YOU REALLY like !

We are only at the very beginning, but we want to fully develop this idea. See you soon for the rest of the adventure!